Importing from anywhere in the world Importing and exporting the most global


In 1857 the first coffee plants were introduced by French missionaries and around 1888 plantations were established in
Northern plains of Vietnam. In the early twentieth century, It was decided that the area around Tay Nguyen was ideally suited
to grow coffee, Thus this region became very important for Robusta coffee. Vietnam is the main supplier
Robusta coffee since 2000 and ranks second as a coffee producer in the world
This coffee has a sweet taste and medium acidity

  • Continent: Asia
  • Elevation: 800 -1700 m
  • Sizes 16 and 18
  • Varieties: Bourbon Tipica, mond novo, Canifour
  • Harvest period: between September and March
  • Packaging method: in 60 kg bags


We are a leading company in the field of import and export, established in 2018, and we specialize in importing green coffee beans from their distinguished sources.

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